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Jessica Miller in white cotton panties

Posted in Jessica Miller | 68,575 views

Jessica Miller pulls down her workout shorts and shows her white cotton panties in the gym. More of a naked Jessica Miller at Karup’s Private Collection (her alias is Amanda 9). 

One Response:
  1. hello… she is perrrfect!…i am an avid fan of her…almost too much,she is my type!…thru the net she refer to about seven names that i know of…(anuschka,temptation,kimberly,michelle,emily,amanda9,jessica miller)… for my part i call her “ma tite blond”…i would like to know where she lives…she has a tight lil body!,mmm…nice face,good figures…she is something amazing!…in her scenes,in her photos shoots and as a model as well!…( gros bisou à elle:XXX )…

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